When we create a new update we use antivirus software to ensure it is clean of viruses and malware. However during our tests we have found that when the Steam DRM system is applied to the StrongholdWarlords.exe, the modifications Steam makes to the exe file can cause a few antivirus engines to report a Variant.Barys trojan threat. This is a FALSE POSITIVE.

Where possible we submit our StrongholdWarlords.exe to the antivirus companies for whitelisting but there maybe some we are unaware of. If your antivirus software continues to block the game you should be able an exception to prevent the antivirus software scanning the Stronghold Warlords folder.

Please always download Stronghold Warlords from Steam, GOG or one of our retail partners to ensure you are downloading the official version. Downloading Stronghold Warlords from unofficial sites increases the risk that the game has been maliciously modified to include a virus or malware.