Map Editor
Where is the Stronghold Crusader 2 Map Editor ?
The Map Editor is a separate tool and can’t be accessed through the game. To access the Map Editor, open your Steam client, click on LI...
How do I use the Stronghold Crusader 2 Map Editor ?
The Stronghold Crusader 2 Map Editor tutorial can be found at the top of the Stronghold Crusader 2 Steam workshop page, within the "Learn Mo...
Map Editor not starting correctly ?
The Stronghold Crusader 2 Map Editor is located in the Library/Tools menu within Steam. You must install the Stronghold Crusader 2 game befo...
SHC2 Map Editor Team Alignments
When creating teams for single player missions in Stronghold Crusader 2 maps, you need to access the 'Teams' section under the 'Factions tab...
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