Disc Version Only -
The following instructions will help to uninstall Stronghold Crusader :
Removing Stronghold Crusader:
A. First try locating the setup.exe within the Disk1 folder of the CD. Once you click on this, the installation should continue as normal. If this does not work, please proceed to step B.
B. Follow the instructions below to step 4, if you wish to remove Stronghold Crusader or to step 5 if you wish to reinstall and then play the game.
1). Click on the Start button, now All programs, then accessories and then load Windows explorer. Now click on My Computer (Computer) then your C: drive, click on the ‘tools’ menu (top menu bar) and select ‘folder options’, ‘View’ (under advanced settings), ‘Hidden Files and Folders’ and finally, ‘Show hidden files and folders’ (make sure you have placed a dot next to this and press OK).
2). Using Windows explorer click on the C: drive and ‘Program Files’ folder and locate the ‘Installshield Installation Information’ folder, within this folder you will find another named {8C3727F2-8E37-49E4-820C-03CB1677F53B6}. Delete the folder containing the long key (In the left panel) and confirm the deletion by pressing yes.
3). This assumes you have installed Stronghold Crusader to the default location. Click on the ‘Program Files’ folder and locate the ‘Firefly Studios’ folder, within this folder you will find another named ‘Stronghold Crusader’. Please delete this folder.
4). If you wish to remove the Start menu shortcut. Click on Start, All programs, Stronghold Crusader and right click and select delete.
To reinstall Stronghold Crusader. Click on Start, Computer select the CD/DVD drive. Run the installer by clicking on the setup.exe located within the disk1 folder and you should be able to install and run as normal.
B. Follow the instructions below to step 4, if you wish to remove Stronghold Crusader or to step 5 if you wish to reinstall and then play the game.
1). Click on the Start button, now All programs, then accessories and then load Windows explorer. Now click on My Computer (Computer) then your C: drive, click on the ‘tools’ menu (top menu bar) and select ‘folder options’, ‘View’ (under advanced settings), ‘Hidden Files and Folders’ and finally, ‘Show hidden files and folders’ (make sure you have placed a dot next to this and press OK).
2). Using Windows explorer click on the C: drive and ‘Program Files’ folder and locate the ‘Installshield Installation Information’ folder, within this folder you will find another named {8C3727F2-8E37-49E4-820C-03CB1677F53B6}. Delete the folder containing the long key (In the left panel) and confirm the deletion by pressing yes.
3). This assumes you have installed Stronghold Crusader to the default location. Click on the ‘Program Files’ folder and locate the ‘Firefly Studios’ folder, within this folder you will find another named ‘Stronghold Crusader’. Please delete this folder.
4). If you wish to remove the Start menu shortcut. Click on Start, All programs, Stronghold Crusader and right click and select delete.
To reinstall Stronghold Crusader. Click on Start, Computer select the CD/DVD drive. Run the installer by clicking on the setup.exe located within the disk1 folder and you should be able to install and run as normal.