I cannot uninstall Stronghold Crusader (Disc Version)
Disc Version Only -The following instructions will help to uninstall Stronghold Crusader :Removing Stronghold Crusader:A. First try locating...
Why can I not load or save games?
This only applies to Stronghold Crusader HD on SteamSome players have reported that the game does not allow them to load and save games prop...
When I try to install the game I get the message 'Please login with administrator privileges and try again'.
You game needs to be installed in an account with administrator privileges. A useful guide to managing windows user accounts can be found&nb...
I cannot install the game in Windows Vista
In order to install the game in Windows Vista, you will need to be running Windows Vista in an account with Administrator permissions. When ...
An error message is telling me there is some problem with a program called 'Autorun.exe'.
You should be able to avoid this error message if you run the setup.exe program directly from the DVD or CD. The setup.exe is located within...
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